Moa’s Ark Research Principal Ecologist Dr Debra Wotton and her colleagues at University of Canterbury recently completed research on conservation genetics of the endangered shrub Veronica armstrongii (Armstrong’s whipcord hebe). The project was a collaborative effort, with genetic analyses carried
Serendipitous discovery of Castle Hill forget-me-not

Moa’s Ark Research Principal Ecologist Dr Debra Wotton and University of Canterbury PhD candidate Jane Gosden recently made the exciting and unexpected discovery of a previously unknown population of the Nationally Critical Castle Hill forget-me-not.
Elusive Castle Hill buttercup seedlings seen for first time in 43 years

Moa’s Ark Research Principal Ecologist Dr Debra Wotton recently discovered seedlings of the Critically Endangered Castle Hill buttercup, seen for the first time in nearly half a century.
The secret life of shrubby tororaro seeds

Seeds of the nationally endangered shrubby tororaro are surprisingly long-lived, research by Moa’s Ark Research ecologist Dr Debra Wotton shows.
Saving a critically endangered native plant

Debra Wotton’s work on the critically endangered dry plains shrub daisy hit the headlines across New Zealand yesterday.
Seed supply limits native regeneration under wilding pines

Recent research shows that native plant regeneration under wilding contorta pine (Pinus contorta) forest is limited mainly by the availability of native seeds.